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Brittany Ulman
Sep 20, 20243 min read
Bridge the Gap
We're to be One as the Father and Son are One. Bridge the gap and be God's vessel to dismantle the dividing wall between the generations.

Brittany Ulman
Feb 16, 20243 min read
Something Better in Mind
Is God calling you into an uncomfortable shift? Trust me, you want to lean in.

Brittany Ulman
Apr 4, 20233 min read
Strength to Comprehend
When you don't know what or how to pray, turn to the Bible, the Word of God, to guide you and sustain you.

Brittany Ulman
Mar 21, 20233 min read
Fight From Your Knees
Today's young people need our prayers. Will you, like Daniel, fight from your knees and pray for the next generation?

Brittany Ulman
Feb 7, 20232 min read
Love Like Jesus
Today's young people were raised in broken homes and a sex-crazed culture. How can the Church help young adults see the value in Godly love?

Brittany Ulman
Dec 6, 20222 min read
Abide in Christ
Millennials and Gen Zers desires authenticity and relationship. How can the Church encourage these values and point young people to God?

Brittany Ulman
Nov 15, 20222 min read
Who Are You Discipling?
Research shows young adult Christians are hungry for a deeper relationship with God. How can the Church respond in a relevant, Biblical way?

Brittany Ulman
Nov 1, 20222 min read
Servants, Not Corpses
Millennials value compassion, collaboration and empathy. How can the Church harness these values and equip them to serve like Jesus?

Brittany Ulman
Oct 4, 20222 min read
Undoing the Culture
Today's young adults were raised in a sex-crazed, hate-fueled world. What can the Church do to help them develop a Biblical worldview?

Brittany Ulman
Jul 19, 20222 min read
Give Them a Reason to Stay
A person's young adult years are one of the most pivotal times of life. So why is the Church neglecting this demographic?

Brittany Ulman
Jul 5, 20223 min read
Not Finished Yet
How is the Church to respond post-Roe v. Wade and help young adults see the value of human life and fight for its protection?

Brittany Ulman
May 25, 20214 min read
To the Young Adult Church in Darke County
Young adult Christ-followers are often disregarded for their youth and inexperience, but is that perspective Biblical?
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