"'If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.'" John 15:7 ESV
Have you read Daniel's prayer for his people in Daniel 9? Talk about prayer goals!
Now, your prayers may not resemble those of Daniel, but the One hearing them is the same. You may not use fancy words or "official" Christianese, but God loves to hear from you just like He did with Daniel. He also enjoys answering your requests, when you pray according to His will, of course.
One way we can learn God's will is through the Bible, where we find one of my mentor's favorite verses, 2 Peter 3:9 where it says, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count
slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance" (ESV).
We also learn in John 15:7 that when we abide in God and His words in us, our prayers will be answered. (Not in a genie-in-a￾bottle sense, but that we're praying according to God's will.)

So with those two verses in mind, I want to ask you, "Are you praying for young adults, according to God's will?" Most of us agree we need a revival and we see the young adult-sized gap in the Body of Christ, but are we praying daily for our young adults? All of them? Are we desperately fighting from our knees for God to work in their lives and redeem their hearts? Like the shepherd, woman and father, do we long to redeem the lost and rejoice when they are found?
This battle can only be won when we fight from our knees. Are you willing to join God's ranks and pray for young adults' redemptions and God's glory? If you do but don't know where to start, here are some suggested starting points. Pray for:
A hedge of protection around those who believe in Jesus. That they will remain true to Him and not be swayed by Satan to pursue what the world is telling them is right and fulfilling.
Healing and restoration for those who have been hurt by the institutional church. That they will not be discouraged, but instead will continue to fight for the Body of Christ until it resembles God's original design for it.
Softened hearts in those who do not believe in Jesus. That, in Jesus' name, every stronghold Satan has on their heart will be broken and they will see the evil futility of his ways. Patient endurance for those who have been called into ministry, part and full-time. That they will continue to put their full trust in God and His path for them. Please also continually encourage them to pursue His calling because the enemy is already attacking them on all fronts.
Resounding peace for those struggling with anxiety, PTSD, depression and other mental health concerns. These diseases are real and the world is ready to prescribe all kinds of "solutions." Pray these young people will see the light and turn to God and other believers for help.
Hopeful perseverance for couples, in all stages. That they will mimic Christ's relationship with His Church and not give in to society's ideas for love and intimacy.
True fulfillment for those who are single. That they will seek God's plan alone for their lives and not give in to pressure coming from within or outside of the Church to hasten a relationship that is not meant to be at all or just not yet.
English Standard Version Bible. (2001). Crossway Bibles.