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Your "Yes" is Worth it

Writer's picture: Brittany UlmanBrittany Ulman

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Philippians 3:8a ESV

Often when I write these posts, and everything else I write, I have a specific message or idea in mind. Other times, my mind is a blank canvas, and I must search for a topic; this can include by prayer, Bible study, reading articles, listening to podcasts or surveying conversations for a common thread.

As for this post, the former was definitely the case. For several months now, God has cemented one core message in my heart: your "yes" is worth it.

Starry night forest horizon
Casey Horner photo | Unsplash

It will not always make sense, nor will it be easy, but it is by far worth it. As humans, we aren't fond of the things in life that make us sweat, uncomfortable or fail, especially for those of us who live in America. Though we claim to not believe in the "Prosperity Gospel," our lives can say otherwise.

We want a revival. We want God to use us. We want to make disciples. But do we, really? These are mighty requests, and ones God longs to fulfill, but they come at a cost. One of time, resources and not just parts of ourselves, but our entire beings. God has always desired all our hearts, souls and minds, and that literally means dying to ourselves. However, dying isn't easy and the trials we will face along the way won't be either. Yet, there's another "but." But God!

Think about it. God Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, the One who spoke everything into being, the One who sent His Son to bear our shame and punishment, the One who willingly did it, the One who raises the dead and makes demons tremble, He is the One who is asking for your "Yes."

He doesn't demand it, He invites you into it. Of course, we as God's people are told to take up our cross, die to ourselves and live for the Great Commission, but none of it is required for our salvation. We are saved by grace through faith. Yet, God is so great, He doesn't let the story end there. He gave us one choice in choosing Him, and He gives us another in choosing to live "all-in" for Him. C'mon, how amazing is that?

We are eternally secure the moment we give God our initial "yes," but God is inviting us into so much more! Thumb through the Bible and Church history, and you will find scores of saints who

took God at His word when He said blessed are those who take up their cross, who die to themselves, who are persecuted for righteousness' sake and greet trials with joy. These saints saw everything the world tries to offer—everything Satan convinces us is more important—and they counted it all as rubbish for the honor of living and dying for Christ.

We are eternally secure the moment we give God our initial "yes," but God is inviting us into so much more!

Were their lives always easy? No. Did they make mistakes? Yes. Were they all called into the hostile jungles of South America? No. Did they all give God their "yes" anyway? Yes! God had

specific plans for each of them, just as He does for all His saints. Plans which will leave us immeasurably blessed and Him eternally glorified. The only thing He asks of us is our "yes." From there, He will prove every one of His promises to His faithful. By giving Him our word, we take Him at His.

God may call you across the globe or next door, to the young or the old. We need not know the details, only the One who orchestrates them. Will you give Him your "yes?"


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). Crossway Bibles.

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