“‘You know the saying, "Four months between planting and harvest." But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.’” John 4:35 NLT
Much can be said of our world and those living in it. Its drastic turning away from God. Their falling into Satan’s traps. Unfortunately, the same can be said about some “believers.” It can be so easy to get caught up in everything that’s going wrong in our world, we neglect to notice the good.
As a Millennial, I’ve heard plenty of complaints and blame cast toward today’s young people. I hear it on the news, in the coffee shop and yes, even (and sometimes especially) in the church. It’s the same game we see as every new generation comes of age: the older blaming the younger and vice versa.
Yes, today’s young people look, believe and act differently than those before them. Yes, they are part of the lost world in which we find ourselves. Yes, some of the negative characteristics attributed to them are true. But none of this means God is not still working and is not doing great things in and through them!

We as God’s people are allowing Satan to steal our joy and pull our gaze from all the ways our Father is still working for good. Let us not give in to Satan’s ploy to divide, distract and discourage us. Let us not fall victim to his schemes and neglect to fix our gaze on the One in control, the One who wishes none to perish but all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). The Author, Vessel and Finisher of our faith. Great God Almighty.
The next time Satan tries to convince you today’s young people are too far gone, remind yourself: Look around, look up! The fields are ripe for harvest, and God is still working!
If you need a little extra convincing, a jump-start to reignite your heart, let me share a few examples of how God is working in young people (names changed for privacy). If you’re still not convinced after reading, may I suggest you humbly ask God to open your eyes and renew a right spirit within you. Don’t let Satan steal your joy, your vision or the praise our Lord is due.
Ruth - It started with simple conversations, but within months the Spirit used them to transform her life from doing church to abiding in Jesus. Now she’s living on fire for Jesus and is leading her family and workplace to be and make disciples.
Mary - God redeemed her from a broken past, and now even in the midst of healing from it, she boldly shares her journey wherever she goes. Though some would see it as a disciple desert, Mary views her workplace not as a means to earn money but an invitation to walk alongside the Father as He draws people to Himself.
- God called her to move to Ohio 3+ years ago and now is working through her and her heart for the Hispanic community to be a voice for them and care for them just as Jesus cares for her.
Isn’t this exciting? Yet, it’s just the beginning! You, too, can witness the great work God is doing in our young people. Just ask Him to open your eyes, submit your time to Him and follow Him however He’s calling you to walk alongside the next generation. God is still working, and He’s doing amazing things. Don’t miss out! Look up, rejoice in the ripe harvest, roll up your sleeves and join Jesus in the field!
Holy Bible, New Living Translation. (2015). Tyndale House Publishers.