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Brittany Ulman

Brittany Ulman


So here's a little story on how a guy named Jesus stole my heart many years ago and has been wrecking it ever since.


Jesus and me? We've been through some difficult times, but we've had plenty of good times, too. Yes, He broke me. Yes, He led me on a journey that left me at the end

of my rope. Yes, I spent many days crying and asking, "Why?" But Jesus. Jesus took all of the pain and turned it all into joy, and He did it all in the name of love.

Through every hill and valley, Jesus used my brokenness to mold me into the person He always wanted me to be. Was it easy? No. Was it fun? Of course not. Would I change one second of it? Absolutely not. Jesus has seen me through everything life's thrown my way, and He's always been there, arms around me, whispering in my ear, "Just wait, I have big plans in store for us."

What are those plans? Only Jesus knows the whole answer, but so far, they've involved me leaving my comfort zones in nearly EVERY way imaginable. He called me to go through Revelation Wellness instructor training, during which He dismantled walls I didn't know I'd built and idols I didn't know I had. He also gave me a beautiful, supportive, pizza-delivering family in my fellow #RevWell Fitness Teachers Gospel Preachers. (Shout-out to my P24 Agents of Change! ♥)

But oh, the plans didn't stop there. Jesus also called me to create a nonprofit ministry in Darke County geared toward discipling 20 somethings. Now for those who know me, I'm an introvert who thrives off of organization and always having a clear, logical plan. So when Jesus called me to leave my full-time job and follow Him down this unknown (and let's be honest, terrifying) path, I wasn't exactly screaming, "Yeah, let's go, Jesus!"

But Jesus. Jesus had all the excitement and logic I'd need. Jesus took me by the hand, gently pulled me closer to Him, and He hasn't let go of me since. Do I understand all of what He's doing? Nope. Do I like all of the uncertainty? Ha, no. Do I know He'll work all things together for His good (Romans 8:28) and to complete His good work in me (Phil. 1:6)? Absolutely.

No, I don't know where Jesus is leading me tomorrow. But what I do know is that He promises to never leave me nor forsake me (Deut. 31:6). He's done some pretty amazing things in my life so far, so why question Him now? In the words of Paul, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phil. 1:21).

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